Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ikea Goes Green...

Fancy Toilet
Originally uploaded by erink
...in the potty department.

My local Ikea recently remodeled, and expanded their first floor bathroom (which really needed it, because it's a long drive from Pittsburgh and those three tiny stalls weren't up to the job). Among other changes, they installed these "green" toilets. You're supposed to pull the handle up for "number one" and push it down for "number two" and it uses a different amount of water.

The handle is green - a green color, that is - because it's supposed to have some sort of anti-germ coating. So you should feel okay about touching it with your hand. Which I didn't (feel okay, that is). (I don't remember if I touched it with my hand or used the top of my foot.)

Here's a close-up of the documentation. I wonder who's got this on her resume.

Toilet Documentation

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