Monday, June 02, 2008

Venture Bros is Back! Yaaaaaay!!!!

I happened to be up late enough last night to catch the first new episode in a year and a half when it aired. It was pretty sweet, despite the near total lack of Brock.

The "murderous moppets" did unleash some Brockworthy kickass moves on the Monarch henchmen to assert their dominance. That was fun.

This episode was all Monarch/Dr. Girlfriend. They even redid the opening credits to be all Monarch instead of the Ventures. You do get to see some of the other characters, but they don't speak. Except for Helper.

Excellent line: "I am not interested in doing a theme based on my voice!"

Which leads into this little scene:

Watch (guild henchman): Then let's work on a mutation. The Ocelot Woman! Basically, a mutated ocelot. We let it bite you and bang: ocelot powers!

Guild Henchman 2: They are fierce and super-territorial. Form-fitting costume with ears and a tail that, uh, grabs ... things.

Lady Au Pair: Uhh, no.

Watch: Okay. [Opens door number two.] Mink DeLovely. Take a quick dip in a vat of boiling minks. They have been skinned, pureed, and belted with gamma rays.

GH2: Verrrry sexy costume with this option.

LAP: I was thinking of something that plays off my abilities more than my sexuality.

Watch: Say no more. You want to number two for a woman. [To GH2: ] The feminist type. Done!

GH2: [The den of ?] murderous Betty Rage!
And also this:
Phantom Limb: Shadowman Nine!

Shadowman 9 (secretly the Monarch): Quit shoving! What? Oh, am I 9? [Looks down at number on uniform.] I thought I was Shadowguy 6.
And there are t-shirts! For every episode they're releasing a limited-edition t-shirt based on the episode; you can order it for one week only. This pushes my buttons on so many levels ... and the first shirt is one I've wanted ever since I first saw the Guild logo (was it in Fallen Arches or earlier?). So of course my order is in already.

You can get yours here. Dude.


SinlessTouch said...

hooray for venture bros.! GH2 was correct about that verrrry sexy costume!

erin said...

So, I think that comment is thinly disguised comment spam, but it's not really offensive so I'll leave it. If you follow the link you will find a website that sells sexy costumes.